Diet in diabetes is not just a recommendation to improve the quality of life, but a necessity. Each patient should follow the nutritional recommendations. This is necessary to minimize the risks of acute complications, as well as deterioration of the general condition.
A balanced diet allows you to establish metabolic processes in the body, which is extremely important when diagnosing diabetes. The disease is a potential threat to life, as it can be accompanied by critical conditions: ketoacidosis, failure of internal organs, hypoglycemia, and others. For the sake of his own health, the patient must understand not only the essence of the disease itself, but also its effect on the body. This will help you organize a rational menu, develop healthy habits and learn to take the doctor's prescriptions seriously.
Etiology and pathogenesis
The first information about diabetes known to science dates back to the Hellenic period. Of course, the ancient Greeks did not have diagnostic capabilities and did not know the nature of the disease. But even in those days (IV-I century BC), doctors tried to systematize information about symptoms and therapy.
According to the WHO, today the disease affects about 4% of people and takes 3 million lives a year, which exceeds the figures for AIDS.
The disease has multiple etiologies and is accompanied by a wide range of symptoms. It is based on insulin deficiency, which can be absolute or relative.
Etiology of diabetes:
- Overweight;
- injuries – physical and mental;
- viral diseases that caused complications;
- aggravated heredity;
- autoimmune diseases.
Provocative factors include prolonged frequent stress and poor eating habits. People who frequently overeat are at risk by including excessive amounts of carbohydrates and sugar in their diet.
In the pathogenesis, a major role is played by the destruction of the islet apparatus of the pancreas, as a result of which insulin is produced in unusually small amounts or is not produced at all.
Symptoms of diabetes:
- general weakness;
- weight loss;
- increased urine production, frequent urination;
- slow wound healing;
- decreased libido;
- itching of mucous membranes;
- deterioration of hair and nails;
- increased appetite, constant thirst.
The disease is one of those that require mandatory therapy. It is impossible to fight the symptoms of diabetes with folk remedies. A visit to the doctor is necessary, and the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the prognosis. In addition to the course of treatment, a rational nutritional system is necessary.
Classification of disease and the role of nutrition
The diet is determined by the degree of inhibition of the pancreas itself.
The disease is classified as follows:
- Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease and a relatively rare form. It is characterized by an extremely low level of insulin production, in some cases the patient's body does not produce this hormone at all. Patients are forced to regularly inject themselves, which is why the term "insulin dependence" is also used. A diet aimed at lowering glucose levels helps to improve well-being and avoid the risk of hypoglycemia.
- Diabetes II occurs in 90% of cases. It often develops in people who are overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle, who do not follow their diet and consume a lot of foods that increase glucose levels (flour, potatoes, sweets). The diet should be structured so that the weight is gradually normalized. In such patients, moderate physical activity is recommended.
- Gestational diabetes is a disease that can develop in pregnant women, especially with severe toxicosis in the second trimester. The diet for gestational diabetes should contain a sufficient amount of nutritional supplements and careful control of body weight. In most cases, after the end of pregnancy, health returns to normal, but there is a risk of developing type II diabetes. To avoid this, you should follow the recommended diet after giving birth.
Other types of disease develop in 1% of cases: latent, steroid, neurogenic, renal, MODY, bronze, and prediabetes. The diet for a type of diabetes included in one of these categories is determined by the attending physician, taking into account many factors.
Types of diabetes diets
The basis of therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is a course of treatment aimed at reducing glucose levels and restoring normal insulin levels. At the same time, doctors insist on the importance of moderate physical activity and proper nutrition.
About 80% of patients are overweight. Often, excess body weight exceeds normal levels by 15 percent or more. When the weight is normalized, the general condition of patients significantly improves: blood pressure stabilizes, the functioning of the nervous system improves, the level of chronic fatigue decreases and well-being improves. But with such a diagnosis, extreme methods to quickly remove extra pounds are strictly contraindicated, and many, even the most popular diets are not suitable for patients with diabetes. You cannot choose a power system based on reviews from friends or even recommendations from experts on the Internet. Experimenting with "proven" diets, such as Kremlin or Dukan, can lead to the fact that the metabolism goes even more wrong. Namely, efforts should be directed to restoring the normalization of metabolic processes.
Types of food programs
- A protein diet is aimed at suppressing appetite by providing a large amount of protein to the body, which stimulates the production of biologically active substances. Proteins of vegetable and animal origin are introduced into the diet in equal proportions. Red meat is prohibited, it is replaced by fish, lean poultry, dairy products and protein-rich legumes and cereals.
- A low-carb diet for diabetes based on vegetables and fruits containing complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are prohibited, and proteins are introduced in limited quantities. This food system is considered strict and is used when the blood sugar level rises significantly - 3 times or more.
- A low-carb diet is more gentle and suitable for those suffering from type I and type II diabetes.
- The buckwheat diet is shown to normalize metabolic processes and saturate the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements.
- The preventive diet is based on replacing red meat with lean, protein-rich foods, using appropriate cooking methods and consuming fiber.
- The Bernstein diet is indicated for type 2 diabetes as well as for prevention. This is not just a menu, but an integrated approach to organizing a balanced diet that can be taught even to small children.
Counting carbs
A bread unit is a concept familiar to every diabetic patient. It is a conventional unit of measurement (XU) that corresponds to 10-13 g of carbohydrates and is used in calculating the caloric content of foods. The patient can take 4-6 XE per meal.
1 XE corresponds to:
- 1 tbsp sugar or honey;
- 150 ml juice;
- 130 g of orange;
- 60 g of banana;
- 100 g of melon;
- Porridge - 2. 5 tablespoons of raw cereals;
- milk and fermented milk drinks - 250 ml;
- 20 g of dried fruit.
It is also important to consider the type of food and the method of preparation. For example, low-fat fish fillets are allowed in limited amounts on some diets, but fatty canned fish is prohibited for all patients.
Diet for type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes requires a diet that will maintain blood sugar levels at 3. 5-5. 5 mmol/l.
Principles of the diet:
- Small feeding of the patient: 5-6 meals a day.
- The maximum daily calorie content is 2000 kcal.
- Carbohydrates for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Minimal breakfast at night.
- Fast carbohydrates are prohibited.
- Rejection of sugar, replacement with safe analogues (stevia, synthetic sweetener).
- Long-acting insulin preparations are administered before meals, short-acting insulin preparations are administered after meals.
- The maximum amount of XE per meal is 8.
- Natural products are a priority.
Baked goods without yeast, soy cheese and milk, unsweetened green tea, dried fruit compote, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and cereals are allowed. Many vegetarian dishes are suitable for the diet.
Rich first courses and roasts, fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, pasta and fast food are prohibited. Alcohol, especially red wine, is strictly prohibited.
One-week diet for insulin-dependent overweight people
Day number 1
- A slice of bread, kachamak, soft cheese, tea.
- Orange, pistachio.
- Borscht, salad, stewed cabbage, cutlet, lavash.
- Rosehip, cottage cheese, fruit jelly.
- Stewed cauliflower, salad.
- A cup of milk.
Day number 2
- Steamed beef, tomato, grain bread, tea.
- Yellow cheese, half-ripe pear.
- Chicken breast, pumpkin puree, salad.
- Grapefruit, kefir.
- Boiled fish, stewed cabbage.
- A cracker.
Day number 3
- Lavash, coffee, cabbage rolls.
- Strawberries, yogurt.
- Thick pasta, salad, steamed fish.
- Orange, compote.
- Cottage cheese casserole.
- Kefir.
Day number 4
- Oatmeal, cheese, boiled egg, tea.
- Toast with soft cheese, cooked turkey.
- Vegetable soup-puree, stewed meat with vegetables, bread.
- Tea with biscuits.
- Green beans with chicken breast, rose hips.
- Bread.
Day number 5
- Cottage cheese with kefir.
- Pumpkin seeds, raisins.
- Potatoes, salad, compote.
- Baked pumpkin, rose hip.
- Salad, pancakes on rye flour.
- Kefir.
Day number 6
- Egg, lightly salted salmon, tea.
- Cottage cheese, carrots.
- Borscht with sorrel, vegetarian cabbage rolls, lavash.
- Kefir, bread.
- Stewed eggplants with chicken fillet, fresh green peas.
- Crackers.
Day number 7
- Oatmeal with ham, tea.
- Salad with tuna and vegetables, whole grain bread.
- Cabbage soup, stewed vegetables with meat, bread.
- Cottage cheese, plums.
- Squid schnitzel, compote.
- Milk.
Diet for type 2 diabetes
The point is to reduce animal fats and simple carbohydrates. It is recommended to take a break of no more than 4 hours between meals. This nutritional program is called "Diet No. 9" or "Table No. 9" and is suitable not only for patients, but also for everyone who seeks to normalize their diet.
Diet for every day in type 2 diabetes
Day number 1
- Asparagus, quail egg omelette.
- Salad of nuts, apples and boiled squid.
- Beet soup, baked eggplants.
- Avocado, cocoa.
- Salmon steak with sauce.
Day number 2
- Oatmeal, yogurt, apple.
- Stir.
- Roasted meat (beef) with vegetables.
- Cottage cheese casserole.
- Vegetable salad with avocado.
Day number 3
- Fried eggs with cheese, tomatoes and herbs.
- Steamed vegetables with hummus.
- Vegetable soup-puree, chicken cutlets, fresh peas.
- Pear and almond.
- Salmon with spinach, yogurt.
Day number 4
- Baked apples.
- Toast with leafy greens and tuna.
- Veal steak, vegetable salad, parmesan.
- Fruit sorbet.
- Broccoli Casserole.
Day number 5
- Orange, soft cheese, grain bread, fruit tea.
- Beet salad with nuts and butter.
- Steamed fish, rice, grapefruit.
- Berries with cream.
- Squid schnitzel, rosehip.
Day number 6
- Carrot and cottage cheese souffle.
- Roasted Broccoli.
- Lenten borscht, roasted chicken fillet, leafy vegetables, tangerine.
- Berry mousse.
- Fish with stewed vegetables.
Day number 7
- Baked apple with raisins, oats and nuts.
- Salad with vegetables and shrimps.
- Polenta, boiled fish, vegetables, kiwi.
- Strawberries with cream cheese.
- Salad of cucumbers and herbs, tea.
Diet for gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs due to disruption of the pancreas during pregnancy. The expectant mother should adhere to the following nutrition principles:
- Exclude flour, pasta, any store-bought sweets, semolina and any products with sugar.
- BJU norm: 20 |30 |50 %. Based on these indicators, you should balance your diet.
- Include fruits, dairy and starchy foods in your diet.
- Strictly observe the drinking regime. It is necessary to consume 1. 8-2 liters of drinking water per day.
- Organize 3 main meals and 2 snacks per day.
- Minimize the consumption of coffee and tea (no more than 2 cups per day).
- Take special vitamin complexes according to your doctor's recommendations.
- Introduce into your diet herbal medicines to reduce sugar: decoctions of linden flowers, blueberry leaves, lilac buds, celery root.
Low-carb diets are not suitable for pregnant women. The rate of calorie consumption per day is 2000-2500 kcal.
Recommended menu for expectant mothers with high blood sugar
To control glucose levels, it is recommended to build a menu based on the following scheme.
- Breakfast: porridge (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat), cereal bread, tea or dried fruit compote.
- Second breakfast: toast with unsalted cheese, apple.
- Lunch: porridge, vegetable salad, stew (beef or chicken).
- Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, cracker, orange.
- Dinner: vegetable side dish, boiled meat, juice, crackers or pita bread.
3 hours before going to bed you can drink a glass of yogurt or kefir. In addition to diet, it is important to walk, warm up if possible and do simple exercises at home or with a trainer.
Diet for insulin-dependent diabetes in children
Children suffer more severely than adults, and the incidence of type 1 diabetes in this age group is higher – up to 80%. Children at risk (whose family members have diabetes) require careful monitoring of their health from birth.
Diet for diabetes in children
The rules for organizing the nutrition of insulin-dependent children are even stricter than for adults. Approximate diet for a child:
- Confectionery, pastries, baked goods, sweet carbonated water are prohibited. Sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits are allowed, but you should be aware of the exceptions. A child with diabetes should not be given bananas, dates, persimmons, raisins, grapes or figs.
- You need to organize 6 meals and feed the child strictly according to the time. The deviation should not exceed 20 minutes. If it is impossible to eat a full meal, you should give the baby a snack of fruit, bread or toast. Insulin-dependent children should definitely not starve.
- Monitor fructose consumption and use this indicator as a basis when calculating the permissible amount of sweetener.
- An attack of hypoglycemia can be stopped with a piece of dark chocolate. It is recommended that an accompanying adult carry this product with them at all times.
- Diet is important. The daily rate is calculated depending on the child's age and body size by the treating endocrinologist.
It is necessary to organize a proper way of life in general. The child must be able to move and be physically active. Constant monitoring of glucose levels and regular consultations with a doctor are also necessary.
Healthy recipes for diabetes
Diet recipes are suitable not only for the diet of a diabetic patient, but also for anyone who wants to balance the menu, including healthy foods. The recommended dishes are prepared from simple ingredients, but look presentable and taste rich.
Vegetarian cream soup
Prepare and cut one onion, 100 g of spinach, 300 g of broccoli and 200 g each of celery and zucchini. Blanch for 15 minutes in 500 ml of water, blend with a blender. Add 200 ml of milk and 100 ml of cream to the vegetable mass, let it boil, adjust the salt.
Vegetable salad
Cut 200 g of cabbage. Cut 2 cucumbers into half rings, 2 tomatoes into slices. Mix the vegetables, salt, season with olive oil.
Squid schnitzel with onions
Pass the squid fillet (400 g) through a meat grinder, add 25 g of breadcrumbs to the minced meat. Cut a leek (50 g) and one onion, fry in a pan until half done. Greens - spinach, dill, parsley are finely chopped. Mix the ingredients, knead the minced meat, form schnitzels. Brush each with an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 2 minutes on each side.
Pancakes with blueberries on rye flour
Pour 2 g of stevia into a cup of boiling water and let it infuse. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese, stevia tincture, 1 egg, 150 g of blueberries. Carefully add 200 g of rye flour, 0. 5 tsp of soda and 2 tbsp of sesame oil. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick pan on both sides.
Cauliflower zrazy
Boil 500 g of cauliflower florets for 10 minutes, cool and chop with a blender. Add 4 tbsp of rice flour, salt, let it boil for 30 minutes so that the fiber dissolves. Boil and finely chop 2 eggs, add chopped green onions. Form flatbreads from the vegetable mass, place the egg and onion filling inside and decorate with sprigs. They are rolled in rice flour and fried in a pan.
Cottage cheese and pear casserole
Mix 600 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs and 2 tbsp rice flour, knead well. Peel and cut 600 g of pears: cut half into cubes, grate the other half. Mix the pears with the boiled mass, let it boil for 30 minutes. Place in a silicone mold, spread with sour cream, bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Cottage cheese and carrot souffle
Grind 200 g of cottage cheese, add 300 g of grated carrots. Grind 50 g of walnuts, 3-4 sprigs of parsley, add to the mixture. Add 2 egg yolks, then 2 beaten egg whites. Pour batter into silicone muffin tins, filling 2/3 full. Bake for 20 minutes.
The preparation of the patient's menu should be approached responsibly. It should be not only balanced, but also varied to prevent breakdowns in unhealthy foods or refusal to eat. A systematic approach will help to maintain health, prevent deterioration and significantly improve the quality of life.